Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new swingset!

Our parents went in together and bought Micah a swingset for her birthday. My dad went to pick it up today and put it together for us. It is really neat. It has two swings, a glider, a slide and a little trampoline. I didn't figure she would get to play on it tonight because she was at her grandparent while Jeremy worked on the race car. They got home a few minutes ago, it was about 8:30, and she ran to the door and said, "Come watch me play!" So we went out and she jumped on the trampoline, swang on both swings, glided on the glider and went down the slide. Then she said "I'm going to start over!" So she did. I came in to get stuff ready for bed while she did her second round. As soon as she ran in the door she said, "That was SO AWSOME!" I'm glad she liked it and I am so glad she has something to play with in the yard other than the sand box. It's going to be a good summer!

1 comment:

Barry and Amy said...

That's fantastic! YAY! What an awesome birthday present!