Monday, June 29, 2009

What a day!

Yesterday was quite a day. I hadn't slept well and wasn't feeling well so I was pretty slow getting ready and missed Sunday school. I made it to church because I needed to have a VBS meeting. During the week I realized we had planned our VBS at the same time as Dawson Baptist and Yellow Creek Baptist's VBS and the fair. At the meeting, I asked if everyone else thought we should move it. The answer was yes, so we postponed it a week. I also decided that we should have two age groups instead of one, preschool and older kids. At this point someone got mad at me and stormed out of the meeting. It was discussed that teachers would take turns through the week and she was mad that she had already prepared her lesson and said she couldn't handle all these changes. She is the only reason we are having a full week VBS this year. We tried some different things last year that were very successful but she didn't agree with them so we went back to the same old, same old. Now she is mad because we changed something. Enough about that.

Then I went to a family reunion. Enough said.

To top it off I found out that the IUI didn't work. We might try again but I'm not sure yet. I am running out of patience for this. I don't want a baby any less I just don't know how much more of this I can take. I'll keep you updated.

On a good note.... We get to find out if we are going to have a niece or nephew this week. I can't wait!!! I need to do some shopping!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

What do you do when someone hurts you because they are hurting? Does that make it ok? Is it supposed to hurt less?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Camping weekend

Well there hasn't been a whole lot going on with us since Victoria and Austin went home. Things have definitely calmed down. We are going camping tomorrow through Saturday. We didn't get to go at all last summer so we are looking forward to it. Luckily my in-laws are going to Florida so we get to borrow their camper. We might have melted if we didn't have it. I am a bit bummed that we don't get to use our new tent though. Hopefully we will before the summer is over.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Smooth Sailing

Today went pretty well. It wasn't too painful. Some cramping for a few minutes and every now and then I have some pain. I got a shot in both hips. That was probably the worst part. I have bruises already and the way they feel they will get worse before they get better.

Speaking of getting better my arms are peeling like crazy! The sunburn did some serious damage. Sunscreen is a wonderful thing!

Tomorrow I'm going to the zoo with my parents and all the kiddos. It should be fun as long as it goes as well as last weekend at Holiday World. It has been a while since Micah has been to the zoo. She loved it last time. She always loves going places with animals no matter where it is.

Jeremy started working with his dad today. So much for summer break huh? He is working tomorrow and Saturday. Then as long as they need him. Honestly I kind of like it because it makes things feel more normal. He gets bored and and then I get annoyed. I do hate that he isn't getting a break though.

I guess that is all that is going on with us. That was yet another random post from my random brain! I hope you all enjoyed it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The BIG Day

Tomorrow is the big day. I am really excited. There are three mature follicles, which is great. Tomorrow afternoon I'll go in around three. I have to call around 2:30 to make sure Dr. K is still there. He is on call and they only have a certain amount of time that they can use the "specimen." So everyone please say a prayer for us that it goes well and that it works on the first try.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What's going on!

Today I am going back to the Dr. for another ultrasound. I didn't have any follicles ready on Friday but I did have a couple that were pretty big. They are hoping that they will be ready today. I'll let you all know later.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Coughing... Part 2

Do you all remember my post about how much I hate coughing? Well, it's my turn. I have been coughing for about three weeks now. It's getting old and very painful. I spent $120 on meds. last Thursday. I am not any better. To top it off Micah is starting again. Not to bad though, just when she wakes up really.

On a completely different note...
Friday I go for an ultrasound. They will be checking to see if any of my follicles are mature. If they are we will be doing the IUI within a couple of days. I am hoping and praying that this works. I have nine or ten pregnant friends right now. While I am beyond happy for all of you, I really want to join you. I have been waiting for this literally since we came home from the hospital with Micah. We were ready for another then even though we didn't start trying for a year. After all this time I am having a hard time being hopeful. As much as I want this to work I am afraid that it won't.

Right now I am watching my daughter color and I am amazed by her. She is so smart. She is learning and doing so many new things. She loves lightning bugs and we have been out every night this week catching them. I have to remember to be thankful for what I have now.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Great shirts, great giveaway!

I found these shirts a while back because of Pioneer Woman and more recently because of another blog. They are really cute and have great verses. Right now they are having a contest and the winner will get $75 worth of free stuff! That's three shirts! I suggest checking them out, just click on the button on my page. I already have some Christmas gifts picked out!