Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good day!

I had a good day today. Micah and I went to Target with my mom and Kayla. We found some really good deals. I got a couple of shirts for Micah that were only $1.48!! I found several other shirts and shorts for between 2 and 3.50. I found a jacket for Micah that is really cute. I got seven shirts/shorts, the jacket, a Color Wonder set and something else that I don't recall at the moment for just over $40. It was a good shopping day!!

Then we went to McD's. I usually could care less about going there but the two girlies got to choose. I always get the same thing the 10 piece chicken nugget meal w/ sweet and sour and sweet tea. Today, I saw they have some new burgers and they looked good so I decided to try one but wasn't overly hopefull because it was McD's after all. I chose the mushroom swiss one and it was awesome. It was way to big so I didn't finish it, but it was well worth it.

The next part was the best... I got my haircut, highlights, and my eyebrows waxed! It was great. Long overdue! It is amazing how much better you feel after a little pampering.

Jeremy had band rehersal tonight so it was just me and Micah. We went to DQ for ice cream. We ran into some old friends. It was really nice to see them. Micah played with their little girl and her friends on the playground.

It was a great day.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Great weekend and update

Our camping weekend went really well and we had a blast. We ended up with an electric site which made having our fans easier. The weather was really nice and if we wouldn't have had the fans it probably would have been OK. Jeremy's parents brought the boat up Thursday night.

We spent most of the day Friday out on the boat. Micah and Jeremy went to the beach after we got back. Micah started "swimming" without her floaties. I had a really bad headache so I didn't get to see it that time. After a little nap I felt a little better.

James came to get the boat the next morning because he thought there was going to be some bad weather. Of course the boat can get wet but when it rains everything in the boat gets wet too and that's is a lot of extra work. Micah decided she wanted to go home with him and go to church with them in the morning. We decided to go play mini golf at the lodge because it was to cool to go swimming. It started raining while we were playing but it was still fun. I won!!

We had to get up pretty early to get back in time for church. After church we picked Micah up and went back up for a little more play time. We packed up the last of our stuff and then went swimming again. I got to see Micah's new tricks in the water. She will run out into the water then "swim" out by kicking her feet and using her arms to pull herself along. She will go until she can't touch with her arms any more and the hop up and run back to shore. Then she starts the whole thing again. She is really funny! She will hold her nose and go under the water. It amazes me how much braver she is than even last week.

So now the update part of the post. I finally got a call back from Dr. K's office right before they left the office on Thursday. They said that it didn't look like I was responding to the Clomid this month. DUH! So, no IUI this time. If we don't get pregnant on our own this time we will try the same dose next month. If I don't respond again they can up the dose one more time. We can try three or four more times. I am not sure that I even want to do it one more time. It's decision time again I guess. I asked about having blood work done and they said no. He said because I have a pretty regular cycle my body is working properly. Obviously not.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Quick update

Last month I had a few eggs that were getting close to being mature by this point. This time I had zero. I am waiting for them to call back because Dr. does surgury on Thursday morning and was out of the office while I was there. I'll let you all know later what they say.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

busy weekend!

We have a busy weekend coming up.

Tomorrow is the first ultrasound of this cycle. We'll see how that goes.

Jeremy and Micah have a dentist appointment tomorrow. This will be the first time Micah has her teeth checked. I am really hoping that she doesn't have the Stone teeth! I think she will be ok though.

When they are done at the dentist we are leaving to go camping again. We are taking our tent this time. We always try to get a site with electric but we couldn't this time. It is going to be pretty warm this time so we are taking a generator to run our fans. We are such wimps! Not that we will be at our tent much, Micah loves the beach.

Sunday is supposed to be a party for Jeremy's uncle and his new wife. We might get to go because we have to go back up to the campground to get our tent after church. We aren't quite sure how we are going to work that out yet.

Have a good weekend everyone!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Swimming

Our neighbors are camping this weekend. Since they fed our cat and watched the house while we camped last week, we are returning the favor. The difference is we have to "watch" their pool. So we watched it from the inside tonight. Micah really is getting more confident. She was swimming all over the place. She had a little fit but then we tried letting her swim back and forth between us and she took off.

They have told us we could us the pool any time. Jeremy and Micah use it every once and a while. They went last week when I wasn't feeling well. The water was 95. Tonight it was down to 85 and for some reason it felt like we were going to go into hypothermia. It felt so cold! We are hoping that it warms back up so we don't shiver to death if we go back.

We are ready for the weekend. Fireworks on Saturday night with the family. Plus, Amanda will be in so we get to see the first pictures of Emma and Amanda herself!

The Game Plan

So the plan for this month is pretty much the same as last month. I go for the first ultrasound next Thursday at 9:00. I guess it will be about the same as last month. Can't wait for those shots again!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's official...

Baby Emma will be joining the family in November! I am so excited to have another niece on the way. We are on quite a roll with girls in our family.

Girls day!

Yesterday, my mom and I had a girls day with Micah and Kayla. The girls spent the night with mom on Monday. Tuesday we went shopping at K-Mart. That is not one of either of our favorite spots but they were having a pretty good sale. I got Micah a couple of shirts for $2.99. They are pretty cute, especially for the price. Like she needs any more clothes!!

Then we went to eat lunch at Fazoli's. Apparently, the girls were starving because their pizza was gone before I could get my spaghetti cut up. I am only slightly exaggerating.

After lunch we went swimming at Jeremy's aunt's. Her pool is so nice. The water was awesome. Micah can walk around in the pool now and her shoulders are out of her water. Last year if she did that her head would have been under water. She could tip-toe and barely keep her nose out. I can't believe how much she has grown in a year. She is definitely braver this year. Last just getting her in the water was a struggle. She had a death grip on our neck and threw a fit if we tried to get her to let go. This year she was running around splashing and playing.

Monday, June 29, 2009

What a day!

Yesterday was quite a day. I hadn't slept well and wasn't feeling well so I was pretty slow getting ready and missed Sunday school. I made it to church because I needed to have a VBS meeting. During the week I realized we had planned our VBS at the same time as Dawson Baptist and Yellow Creek Baptist's VBS and the fair. At the meeting, I asked if everyone else thought we should move it. The answer was yes, so we postponed it a week. I also decided that we should have two age groups instead of one, preschool and older kids. At this point someone got mad at me and stormed out of the meeting. It was discussed that teachers would take turns through the week and she was mad that she had already prepared her lesson and said she couldn't handle all these changes. She is the only reason we are having a full week VBS this year. We tried some different things last year that were very successful but she didn't agree with them so we went back to the same old, same old. Now she is mad because we changed something. Enough about that.

Then I went to a family reunion. Enough said.

To top it off I found out that the IUI didn't work. We might try again but I'm not sure yet. I am running out of patience for this. I don't want a baby any less I just don't know how much more of this I can take. I'll keep you updated.

On a good note.... We get to find out if we are going to have a niece or nephew this week. I can't wait!!! I need to do some shopping!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

What do you do when someone hurts you because they are hurting? Does that make it ok? Is it supposed to hurt less?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Camping weekend

Well there hasn't been a whole lot going on with us since Victoria and Austin went home. Things have definitely calmed down. We are going camping tomorrow through Saturday. We didn't get to go at all last summer so we are looking forward to it. Luckily my in-laws are going to Florida so we get to borrow their camper. We might have melted if we didn't have it. I am a bit bummed that we don't get to use our new tent though. Hopefully we will before the summer is over.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Smooth Sailing

Today went pretty well. It wasn't too painful. Some cramping for a few minutes and every now and then I have some pain. I got a shot in both hips. That was probably the worst part. I have bruises already and the way they feel they will get worse before they get better.

Speaking of getting better my arms are peeling like crazy! The sunburn did some serious damage. Sunscreen is a wonderful thing!

Tomorrow I'm going to the zoo with my parents and all the kiddos. It should be fun as long as it goes as well as last weekend at Holiday World. It has been a while since Micah has been to the zoo. She loved it last time. She always loves going places with animals no matter where it is.

Jeremy started working with his dad today. So much for summer break huh? He is working tomorrow and Saturday. Then as long as they need him. Honestly I kind of like it because it makes things feel more normal. He gets bored and and then I get annoyed. I do hate that he isn't getting a break though.

I guess that is all that is going on with us. That was yet another random post from my random brain! I hope you all enjoyed it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The BIG Day

Tomorrow is the big day. I am really excited. There are three mature follicles, which is great. Tomorrow afternoon I'll go in around three. I have to call around 2:30 to make sure Dr. K is still there. He is on call and they only have a certain amount of time that they can use the "specimen." So everyone please say a prayer for us that it goes well and that it works on the first try.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What's going on!

Today I am going back to the Dr. for another ultrasound. I didn't have any follicles ready on Friday but I did have a couple that were pretty big. They are hoping that they will be ready today. I'll let you all know later.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Coughing... Part 2

Do you all remember my post about how much I hate coughing? Well, it's my turn. I have been coughing for about three weeks now. It's getting old and very painful. I spent $120 on meds. last Thursday. I am not any better. To top it off Micah is starting again. Not to bad though, just when she wakes up really.

On a completely different note...
Friday I go for an ultrasound. They will be checking to see if any of my follicles are mature. If they are we will be doing the IUI within a couple of days. I am hoping and praying that this works. I have nine or ten pregnant friends right now. While I am beyond happy for all of you, I really want to join you. I have been waiting for this literally since we came home from the hospital with Micah. We were ready for another then even though we didn't start trying for a year. After all this time I am having a hard time being hopeful. As much as I want this to work I am afraid that it won't.

Right now I am watching my daughter color and I am amazed by her. She is so smart. She is learning and doing so many new things. She loves lightning bugs and we have been out every night this week catching them. I have to remember to be thankful for what I have now.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Great shirts, great giveaway!

I found these shirts a while back because of Pioneer Woman and more recently because of another blog. They are really cute and have great verses. Right now they are having a contest and the winner will get $75 worth of free stuff! That's three shirts! I suggest checking them out, just click on the button on my page. I already have some Christmas gifts picked out!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Pitfalls of Blogging

I have noticed a trend with myself. I read everyones blog and think, 'well that's great. I know what's going on with them.' Which is sort of true but it isn't the same as actually talking or communicating in some way. I am going to try to do better about keeping in touch.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The good ones

There is an older couple at church that have become part of our family. Micah loves them and so do we. They have a granddaughter just a little older than Micah. Last year Micah went over to their house once a week to play and it was the highlight of her week.

So while we were at church tonight Micah threw a fit. She was down by her cousin and started to back up when I reached for her. I grabbed her dress, then picked her up and went to the nursery. We came back in later and I was embarrassed because of the way I got her and because of the way she was acting.

When church was over she came up to me and reminded me that I have to cherish this time because it won't last forever and that I am a good mother. She was comforting ME. She was making ME feel better. She lost her grandson three weeks ago. I should be doing those things for her but it was the other way around. These people have helped us out in so many ways. They are always encouraging us and are such Godly examples for us. I am very thankful to them for all they have done for us.

There are still good ones out there.


Over and over I hear about men who cheat on their wives, have affairs with students, get a prostitute, and so much more. Many times they are in positions of authority or someone who has been a roll model for me. I am tired of being disappointed. I am tired of letting it be ok for these things to happen. What happened to men who are faithful and trustworthy?

I was going to write this post last week but I didn't. But today I got a call today about yet another example and it made me mad. They don't think of the effects that this has on their family and friends or even to themselves.

So that is my vent for today.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A new Pappy

Micah got to go camping with Meme and Papaw last night. Several of their friends were there also, Melody, Dennis, Paul, Carol, Mamaw, Teresa and Mark. Micah gets to see Teresa and Mark quite a bit and really enjoys them. Last night she decided it would be easier to call Mark Pappy too. It's pretty funny. When we were ready to leave she yelled from James and Beverly's site over to Mark's, "I love you Pappy. BYE!"

Oh! I think it's great Micah has adopted them because they have an awesome camper. It's one of those BIG ones that is more like a bus. They camp in style that is for sure. Maybe we'll be invited one day... or not.

On a totally different note... We drove about an hour to one of my favorite restaurants, The Feed Mill. I love it. When I was pregnant with Micah I almost cried when we got there because I was so excited. Well I didn't love it tonight. I got sick there at the restaurant. I made it to the bathroom luckily and managed not to be loud or bust any blood vessels in my eyes. Both great achievements for me. Woo hoo! I am NOT loving my doubled dose of medicine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I have a couple of kids at school that are random. They will come up to you and tell you whatever they have on their minds at the moment. As they walk away you just think huh?!?! Where on earth did that come from? So here are some of my random thoughts.

We had a visitor show up around 11:00 last night. It scared the poo out of me.

I went to the new Kroger today and I was a little overwhelmed. It isn't as big as Walmart but man do they have a lot of stuff. Micah got a little cart and I had to try to keep her from running over everyone including myself and I was very good at the last part. I will have bruises later.

I had to clean out my fridge after going to the store. I bought two gallons of milk and two things of o.j. What was I thinking? We will only be drinking milk, chocolate for me, for the next week or two I guess. It was really gross. That is probably the thing I hate to do the most.

I am very, very happy to not be keeping the kiddos any more. I am hoping this means Micah will stop talking like a baby, throwing tantrums and return to the little girl she was before.

We still have 3.5 weeks of school left! I am a little ticked about that.

I finally got my flowers planted yesterday no thanks to the kiddos. They look pretty good which is surprising since I bought them two weeks ago. I still need more it's a little plain. I am not sure what I am going to do.

It's nap time!!!

Well if you read through all of this I am sure that "HUH?" is not the only thing going through your head right now. Thanks for sticking with me.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dr. appointment update

My doctor appointment went well yesterday. I actually feel like I'm getting somewhere now. He wanted to do a laparoscopy, an HSG (push dye through my tubs) and ovarian drilling. Next week! The only hitch is I DON'T HAVE $1000!!!! It's an insurance thing I am going to see if I can work out today. Since I don't have the money he is doing an IUI on my next cycle. I am very excited about it. I am praying this is the ticket.

One of the main things I have been feeling lately is guilt. So I expected to feel guilty for taking this step. I don't, all the guilt is gone. I had been feeling like this wasn't trusting God in some way. I had left to God to take of, it was just supposed to happen. Then I remembered that God works miracles in many ways. So this is our plan for now.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Yesterday church was awesome for me. I have been struggling with several things lately that I just haven't been able to get into words. I have been angry and disheartened, struggling with things I just can't understand. So this was part of our scripture yesterday:

"17 Now if we are children of God, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in HIS Glory.
18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8

The whole chapter is amazing. Does it still hurt? Absolutely. God knows my heart, he knows my wants and needs. He knows what is best for my family even when I don't. When I can't even form words to pray He knows.

"26 In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." Romans 8

I have a Dr's. appointment tomorrow. I guess I will see what he says and go from there.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I love pandemics!

Someone actually asked me yesterday if Micah has swine flu.

She was serious.

Micah has a cough. She coughs and coughs and coughs and coughs and I don't think she is ever going to stop. She coughed until she threw up at the park yesterday. That was loads of fun. I really hope she feels better soon. You can tell by looking at her she doesn't feel well. We are going to the Dr. today and hopefully they will give us some medicine that works. On Friday, they called a perscription in but it really isn't helping.

The other reason I want her to get better is totally selfish. The coughing is driving me a little insane. How horrible is that? I feel bad for her but it really is grating on my nerves. It drives me crazy when I hear people coughing repeatedly. Even when it is me. I can not stand that sound.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new swingset!

Our parents went in together and bought Micah a swingset for her birthday. My dad went to pick it up today and put it together for us. It is really neat. It has two swings, a glider, a slide and a little trampoline. I didn't figure she would get to play on it tonight because she was at her grandparent while Jeremy worked on the race car. They got home a few minutes ago, it was about 8:30, and she ran to the door and said, "Come watch me play!" So we went out and she jumped on the trampoline, swang on both swings, glided on the glider and went down the slide. Then she said "I'm going to start over!" So she did. I came in to get stuff ready for bed while she did her second round. As soon as she ran in the door she said, "That was SO AWSOME!" I'm glad she liked it and I am so glad she has something to play with in the yard other than the sand box. It's going to be a good summer!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am struggling right now. What do you do when answers aren't coming? What do you do when no option seems like the right one? When every answer you do get is wait but you aren't sure what you are waiting for?

Friday, March 20, 2009

I have a giant child!!

We have known for awhile that Micah was tall for her age. People are always asking me if she is four. No, she is only three and her birthday was a little over a month ago. She had her three year check up today. These are her stats: she is 40 inches tall and weighs 36 lbs. That puts her in the 95th percentile for height and 78th for weight.

minty fresh toilet?

So yesterday I did some cleaning and used my new toilet cleaner for the first time. It is the same brand I always use but a different type, it was a two pack so it was cheaper. Well I squirt it in there and I start smelling spearmint. Who knew that toilets needed to smell minty fresh? I usually prefer the bleach smell that my old kind had, I know it is clean that way. And that my friends, is my random post of the day.

Friday, February 27, 2009

blogging what's that?

So I've had this blog for a while now. I am horrible at this. I am not good with words, I am not good at putting them down so why on earth did I think this was a good idea?