Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Swimming

Our neighbors are camping this weekend. Since they fed our cat and watched the house while we camped last week, we are returning the favor. The difference is we have to "watch" their pool. So we watched it from the inside tonight. Micah really is getting more confident. She was swimming all over the place. She had a little fit but then we tried letting her swim back and forth between us and she took off.

They have told us we could us the pool any time. Jeremy and Micah use it every once and a while. They went last week when I wasn't feeling well. The water was 95. Tonight it was down to 85 and for some reason it felt like we were going to go into hypothermia. It felt so cold! We are hoping that it warms back up so we don't shiver to death if we go back.

We are ready for the weekend. Fireworks on Saturday night with the family. Plus, Amanda will be in so we get to see the first pictures of Emma and Amanda herself!

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