Saturday, May 16, 2009

A new Pappy

Micah got to go camping with Meme and Papaw last night. Several of their friends were there also, Melody, Dennis, Paul, Carol, Mamaw, Teresa and Mark. Micah gets to see Teresa and Mark quite a bit and really enjoys them. Last night she decided it would be easier to call Mark Pappy too. It's pretty funny. When we were ready to leave she yelled from James and Beverly's site over to Mark's, "I love you Pappy. BYE!"

Oh! I think it's great Micah has adopted them because they have an awesome camper. It's one of those BIG ones that is more like a bus. They camp in style that is for sure. Maybe we'll be invited one day... or not.

On a totally different note... We drove about an hour to one of my favorite restaurants, The Feed Mill. I love it. When I was pregnant with Micah I almost cried when we got there because I was so excited. Well I didn't love it tonight. I got sick there at the restaurant. I made it to the bathroom luckily and managed not to be loud or bust any blood vessels in my eyes. Both great achievements for me. Woo hoo! I am NOT loving my doubled dose of medicine.

1 comment:

MandaS said...

That's funny! How is my dad taking it, not being the only pappy around? I hate that you got sick, I hope you feel better today! Have fun at the race! Take some pictures when he wrecks it! :) Just kidding!